Linscott Law

October 2017 Archives

Roofers run the risk of serious injuries

Being a roofer in Lincoln is an occupation that almost always offers lots of employment opportunities. But with these good jobs come the risk of many serious injuries. No one expects that they will be injured on the job, but that is a risk that many roofers face daily.

Three things truck drivers may do in workers' compensation claims

Truck drivers in Nebraska know how difficult their job can be. To the general public, truck driving seems like an easy job where a person just sits all day long. But, truck drivers know the real toll the job can take on their body. Those who have suffered truck driver injuries and are thinking about filing for workers' compensation should keep three things in mind.

Worker dies at Wakefield, Nebraska, plant

Nebraska workers go to work each day expecting they will return each night to their families. Most of the time this is what happens, but occasionally a tragic accident can occur at a workplace. Recently, an employee died in an accident at a Wakefield, Nebraska, manufacturing plant.

Workplace accidents can be devastating to Nebraska families

A job is more than just a place a Lincoln resident goes once they've had their breakfast. It is where they put in hard work, do their best and earn their livelihood so that they may provide their family with what it needs to grow and thrive. It enables a person to keep a roof over their head and to put food on their table. So, when a workplace accident happens that forces a person to stop doing the work that pays their bills, the results can be devastating to the individual and their loved ones.

Nursing is a pain in the back

You don't need any study or survey to tell you that your job is stressful, both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, the American Nurses Association reports that the nursing profession ranks fifth among jobs that place workers in danger of strains and sprains. Even construction workers and employees at distribution centers have a lower risk.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Linscott Law
5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Phone: 402-477-4357
Fax: 402-477-4366
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