Linscott Law

September 2017 Archives

Employers in Lincoln have duties regarding on-the-job injuries

When a Lincoln area resident is injured on-the-job it can be a devastating blow for their family. No one can predict when they walk into work in the morning that they will face a serious workplace injury. Most of the time this doesn't occur to Nebraska residents, but occasionally a serious workplace accident does occur. What are the employer's responsibilities in these situations?

Loading and unloading trucks can lead to truck driver injuries

Many people in Nebraska think truck drivers have easy jobs where they just sit and drive a truck all day long. But, truck drivers often suffer from injuries because of many factors, which include traffic accidents and loading and unloading cargo.

Which industries pose the most danger for employees?

The availability of workers' compensation insurance benefits likely provides comfort to Nebraska employees in all professions. While even those employed in jobs that seem risk free can suffer serious injuries, some occupations are known to pose life-threatening hazards on a daily basis. Despite the known risks these workers face, many of them hesitate to report injuries for fear of retaliation, rejection of their claims, or other obstacles in pursuing maximum recovery.

Forklift accidents can be fatal

There are many residents in Lincoln and surrounding areas that work in an industrial location such as a warehouse or construction site. These are good jobs that offer a worker a steady income. Most workplaces understand that worker safety is their number one priority. But, occasionally a serious construction worker injury occurs, such as a forklift accident.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Linscott Law
5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Phone: 402-477-4357
Fax: 402-477-4366
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