Linscott Law

December 2017 Archives

Taking action following a car accident

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness; however, it is also a time in Nebraska where accidents occur at an increased rate. Due to holiday shopping, trucks making frequent deliveries for orders, there are holiday events, family gatherings and work and social parties. he roads are filled with an increase in vehicles and large commercial trucks. This also increases the chances for distracted, reckless and intoxicated driving.

Fulfillment center workers face many fall hazards

Are you working in a warehouse or fulfillment center in the vicinity of Lincoln, Nebraska? Your employer could serve industries such as retail, manufacturing, automotive, restaurant, grocery, agricultural or fast food. Your tasks might include packaging, inventory control, warehousing and drop shipping.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Linscott Law
5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Phone: 402-477-4357
Fax: 402-477-4366
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