Linscott Law

personal injury Archives

Taking action following a car accident

The holiday season is a time of joy and togetherness; however, it is also a time in Nebraska where accidents occur at an increased rate. Due to holiday shopping, trucks making frequent deliveries for orders, there are holiday events, family gatherings and work and social parties. he roads are filled with an increase in vehicles and large commercial trucks. This also increases the chances for distracted, reckless and intoxicated driving.

Boating accident leaves one girl hurt and driver behind bars

Although people in other parts of the country might not think of Nebraska as a great state for outdoor activities, residents of Lincoln and other parts of Nebraska recognize that this state in fact has many lakes and other recreational areas that are wonderful for boating, water-skiing and other fun activities, particularly during the warm summer months.

Representing injured drivers in underinsured motorists' claims

In addition to helping injured workers who suffer injuries while on the job, our law office also helps other Nebraskans who have been injured through the negligence of another person. We represent people in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska who have been injured in car accidents, because of dog bites or as the result of some other set of circumstances.

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Initial consultations are free and representation is handled on a contingency basis. Schedule a meeting with Mr. Linscott by calling 402-477-4357 or by filling out the form below.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Linscott Law
5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Phone: 402-477-4357
Fax: 402-477-4366
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