Construction workers face many hazards while they are on the job in Nebraska. Construction workers have good jobs that often pay well, but the hazards they face can be fatal. Cranes are a piece of equipment that can cause these serious and even fatal injuries.
Many construction sites have cranes on them in order to lift heavy materials. These devices need to be operated by a person who is licensed and must be serviced and handled in a safe matter. If any of these steps fail to occur, it can result in serious injuries. Injuries that can occur because of cranes include head trauma, paralysis and other permanent damage, spinal injuries, back injuries, and even death.
If a person has been injured in a crane accident while at work, they may be wondering how they are going to pay for their medical expenses and how their family will survive without them working for a period of time. An injured construction worker may be eligible for workers' compensation, but that may not cover all of their expenses. An attorney who specializes in injured workers can help an injured employee with their workers' compensation issues and, if justified, a personal injury lawsuit against a negligent party who contributed to the injury.
Construction sites can be dangerous locations for workers. When a worker is injured on the job, they often face thousands of dollars in medical expenses and lost wages because they are not able to work. As a result, families may not know how they will be able to pay the mortgage or buy food. An injured worker may be entitled to workers' compensation and may also have the legal right to file a personal injury lawsuit in order to recoup damages and help their family get through this hard time. However, succeeding on these claims often requires extensive legal know-how, which is why many choose to turn to experienced attorneys for help.
Source:, "Crane-related occupational fatalities", accessed on Dec. 31, 2017
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