Commercial truck drivers in Nebraska face many challenges in their jobs. Driving a truck is one of the most dangerous jobs a person can have, as there are many injuries a trucker may face.
Commercial truck drivers are an important part of the American economy. They are needed for moving goods across the country that many people take for granted. These truckers work hard in order for us to have the things we want and need. As a result, many of them suffer injuries. Loading and unloading is one situation in which commercial truck drivers can be injured. They can have back injuries from lifting heavy items, or they can be crushed on a loading dock from forklifts or getting caught between things. Repetitive stress injuries are also common when drivers are in their truck for an extended period of time. They can have neck and back repetitive stress injuries and shoulder pain from all the steering they conduct over the course of time. Getting up and down from the cab of the truck can also cause strenuous injuries.
When a commercial truck driver is injured at work they may feel like the future is uncertain. A lot is riding on a truck driver doing their job, and when they lose this income their family suffers. Medical bills can be astronomical, and being out of work for a long period of time can be devastating for a family's finances. A legal professional who is skilled in workers' compensation may be able to help these injured individuals obtain the compensation they need to get by while they focus on recovering from their injuries. Workers' compensation pays for reasonable medical expenses and provides wage replacement benefits to those who are out of work for a period of time. This compensation can provide stability during a time of economic hardship.
Commercial truck drivers are the backbone of America's shipping industry. We need them to reliably bring us goods that are important to us, including groceries. Making sure they receive the help they need when they are injured is important. However, these individuals can face difficulties when seeking workers' compensation, as many claims are initially denied. For this reason, those who are considering seeking these benefits should discuss the matter with a qualified legal professional who may be able to help them develop a strong legal basis for their claim.
Source: OSHA, "Related safety and health info," accessed on Jan. 21, 2018
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