Linscott Law

Loading and unloading trucks can lead to truck driver injuries

Many people in Nebraska think truck drivers have easy jobs where they just sit and drive a truck all day long. But, truck drivers often suffer from injuries because of many factors, which include traffic accidents and loading and unloading cargo.

Truck drivers are frequently engaged in loading and unloading cargo. These are instances where a person can suffer serious injuries. There are many ways in which a person can be injured during the loading and unloading process. Materials can shift during a transfer, resulting in a person being hit. Loads may not be properly secured with supports and straps, which can result in a load collapsing.

In addition, loading docks can be dangerous if there are places where a person or equipment can fall through. A lift on a loading dock can also be hazardous if it has gaps or pinch points. Also, if a moving load collapses on a hill it can cause crush injuries to those who are located downhill from the load. Also, a truck may move if it is parked on a hill and doesn't have the proper brakes engaged.

These situations, along with many others, can be dangerous for truck drivers and other dock workers. When safety procedures are not followed or a company does not set up the proper safety requirements, workers can be injured. Those who are injured on the job may want to seek workers' compensation benefits. A legal professional familiar with workplace injuries can help a worker pursue the compensation they need. Workers' compensation can cover medical expenses and lost wages, allowing a worker to focus on healing.

Source:, "Hazards to truck drivers loading and unloading", accessed on Sept. 4, 2017

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