Linscott Law

Workplace accidents can be devastating to Nebraska families

A job is more than just a place a Lincoln resident goes once they've had their breakfast. It is where they put in hard work, do their best and earn their livelihood so that they may provide their family with what it needs to grow and thrive. It enables a person to keep a roof over their head and to put food on their table. So, when a workplace accident happens that forces a person to stop doing the work that pays their bills, the results can be devastating to the individual and their loved ones.

This workplace injury and personal injury legal blog has discussed some of the life-changing and potentially fatal accidents industrial workers can experience when their employers fail to provide them with safe workplaces. From accidents with heavy equipment and machinery to manufacturing incidents workers can suffer crushed limbs, serious burns, broken bones, damaged organs and a host of other serious medical conditions.

An industrial worksite accident can temporarily or indefinitely take a worker out of their job. Although every factual situation related to workplace accidents in different, in some cases injured workers can pursue compensation related to their worksite injuries from their employers and the other parties whose negligence led to the victims' losses.

Making the decision to pursue one's industrial worksite accident damages can be difficult, and a victim of this unfortunate form of harm may have questions about their rights. Linscott Law, a Lincoln-based firm, represents individuals who have been involved in these tragic occurrences and counsels them on their legal options for seeking compensation for their harm. To learn more about this issue, readers may visit Linscott Law online through its industrial worker accident webpage.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

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5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

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