Even when workers follow safety procedures to the letter, there is always the possibility that a defective tool or piece of equipment will introduce danger into the workplace. If you have been injured after using a defective power tool, ladder, roofing lifeline cable, or other equipment or device, you may have more than a workers' compensation claim. You may be able to collect compensation from the manufacturer of the defective tool or piece of equipment, or any person or organization responsible for installing it, servicing it or inspecting it.
Don't Let Roadblocks Get In The Way Of The Benefits You Are Eligible For After Suffering Injuries Because Of Defective Equipment
When you communicate with your employer's human resource department or workers' compensation insurer after an on-the-job injury involving a defective tool, you may get the feeling you're being given the runaround. You cannot count on your employer to investigate the cause of the accident and get a third-party liability claim underway on your behalf. A plaintiff's lawyer on your side can be a critically important ally.
"You don't need to worry about a thing," they may say. "We will help get you the medical care and other workers' comp benefits you are eligible for." Very soon, however, you may feel overwhelmed by paperwork, details and confusing instructions. There may be push-back over your claim from the beginning, with your employer or the insurer insinuating that the injury was your fault. You may have trouble getting needed medical care paid for promptly. You and your employer may disagree about when you are ready to return to work.
Whatever difficulties or conflicts may arise after your workplace accident anywhere in Nebraska involving a defective tool, turn to Linscott Law in Lincoln. Attorney Martin V. Linscott is prepared to evaluate your case and advise you accordingly. How were you injured and what is your prognosis? When do doctors believe you will be able to return to work after an accident caused by defective equipment? Don't leave your fate to chance; get the legal advice you need to know how to protect your rights as an injured worker anywhere in Nebraska.
Contact A Lincoln Lawyer Advocating For Injured Workers Statewide
Call 402-477-4357 or send an email inquiry through this website to schedule a free consultation. Discuss with a Nebraska lawyer how to get all compensation you are eligible for after an accidental injury caused by a defective tool or defective equipment.