Linscott Law

Truckers face many different dangers while on the job

When residents of Lincoln, Nebraska, think of how a truck driver might get injured on the job, they probably most often think of the driver being involved in a serious motor vehicle accident. Indeed, many truckers do get hurt while actually driving, even though their vehicles are a lot larger than most of the other cars and vans on the road.

However, according to a report prepared by another state, truckers are actually exposed to a variety of hazards while at work. Usually, the truck driver delivering a load is expected to help secure it in to the truck and, when it is delivered, unload it onto the loading dock.

Given the space between the dock and the ground a serious fall is possible. Moreover, a sudden movement from the truck can lead to a crush injury should the vehicle pin the driver between the dock and the rig. There are also the usual hazards faced by anyone who is loading and unloading a truck, such as the possibility of a slip-and-fall or the chance a load might topple and strike a trucker on the head.

Even though these types of truck driver injuries are not usually related to the driving of a truck, they still occur in the course of a trucker's employment for his or her trucking company. A Nebraska trucker who has suffered one of these types of injuries may want to consider filing a claim for workers' compensation. Awarded without regard to fault, these benefits can help a trucker pay off his or her medical bills and can also replace a portion of any lost income while the trucker is out of work recovering.

While truckers are eligible for workers' compensation even when their injuries are not directly related to driving, these sorts of cases can be complicated. For that reason, it might be advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced workers' compensation attorney in the Lincoln area.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

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